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Archived Blogs


Anchor 1

Weekly Blog

February 24th, 2021

It's A

Balancing Act

Balancing can be difficult after a loss of a spouse. Balance has to be regained and must be

carefully maintained in our lives. It is essential to know that the body and mind needs balance for breathing, shifting of the body weight and thinking clearly. There are times when visuals are

distorted, or the floor or ground is uneven or shaken and making our way through the obstacles

is arduous.Finding our way becomes a necessity regardless of what may become a barrier to us.

In our lives balance is needed day to day both in exercise and livelihood.


Finding balance in all areas of your life is the way forward. This includes finding balance in our bodies. When we work on our bodies it increases strength, stability, mobility and flexibility making it easier to perform our regular task.When we relax, read, make crafts, etc. it also strengthens our thought process. Balancing is when a person can divide his or her time evenly; this includes work, family, fun and exercise. The balance of nature is sometimes easily disturbed and very delicate, while other times it gives a powerful perception to correct itself.

When suffering a loss, we automatically depend on each other for support; our food sources,

relationships, our environment and world systems. Keeping balance in our lives means to

reduce stress, tension and strain and develop a better focus and concentration on the

beneficial things coming.


 -Patrice MucCular


Scripture –Casting all you cares, all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns,

once and for all on him, for he cares about you with deepest affection, and watches over you

very carefully. I Peter 5:7 AMP

Hopefully  Healing 

Valentines Day 2021


God's Love


Knowing that the Love of your life is no longer here

There are memories that can bring so much cheer

Memories that mean so much

Just as you can still feel their precious touch

God helps us to know

That the love we shared, will forever show

                              -Patrice MucCular


Additional encouragement:

Take a minute and think of all the Good and all the beauty in your life. In times of sadness or heart break or pain that seems to never end, there can be joy again because God promised those who sow in tears shall reap in shouts of joy" Psalms 126:5 

Weekly Blog

February,10 2021 

When you heart has been broken in a million pieces and you feel so alone. God cares and he can heal you right where you are hurting.

Jeremiah 17:14, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed, save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise”.


Tip: Walking through your journey will be arduous however there is healing for your grief, heartache and disappointment. Recommendation or referral for counseling services is the Hospice Foundation of America. This is specifically for individuals that have experienced loss of a spouse. All ages welcome.

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